(双语)首届“一带一路”科技交流大会发布《国际科技合作倡议》 | ||
2023-11-23 09:40 | ||
以“共建创新之路,同促合作发展”为主题的首届“一带一路”科技交流大会11月6号在渝举行。中方在会上提出《国际科技合作倡议》,全文如下: 科技创新是人类社会发展的重要引擎,是应对全球性挑战的重要手段。当前,世界百年未有之大变局加速演进,人类发展面临越来越多重大挑战。人类社会比以往任何时候都更需要国际合作和开放共享,通过科技创新合作探索解决全球性问题,共同应对时代挑战,共同促进和平发展。为倡导并践行开放、公平、公正、非歧视的国际科技合作理念,坚持“科学无国界、惠及全人类”,携手构建全球科技共同体,中国提出国际科技合作倡议: ——坚持崇尚科学。以科学的态度对待科学,以真理的精神追求真理。坚持科研诚信,尊重科研伦理,塑造科技向善理念,完善全球科技治理。加强知识产权保护,加强对新兴技术发展的包容与审慎管理。 ——坚持创新发展。加强全球科技创新协作,共建全球创新网络,促进新兴技术推广应用,加强企业间创新和技术合作,为世界经济复苏和发展注入新动能。各国应该携手推动数字时代互联互通,加快全球绿色低碳转型,实现全人类可持续发展。 ——坚持开放合作。秉承无国界、无障碍的开放科学精神,坚持科技创新人员和资源等在全球范围内自由流动,加强人才交流合作,构建开放自由的国际科技合作生态。坚决反对限制或阻碍科技合作、损害国际社会共同利益。 ——坚持平等包容。秉承互相尊重、公正平等、非歧视的合作理念,倡导各个国家和科学研究实体平等参与国际科技合作。坚决反对将科技合作政治化、工具化、武器化,反对以国家安全为借口实施科技霸权霸凌。 ——坚持团结协作。面对气候变化、卫生健康、环境保护、能源安全、粮食安全等人类社会迫切需要解决的全球性问题挑战,各国要同舟共济,加强科技创新主体深度协作、互学互鉴,推进实施国际大科学计划和大科学工程,共同突破关乎人类未来命运的重大科技难题。 ——坚持普惠共赢。要坚持真正的多边主义,探索互利共赢的全球科技创新合作新模式,促进科技创新成果互惠互享。中国将面向全球设立科学研究基金,并加大对发展中国家科技援助,让科技进步惠及全人类。 International Science and Technology Cooperation Initiative Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) is an important engine for the development of human society and an important means to address global challenges. At present, the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, and mankind is facing more and more major challenges. More than ever, human society needs international cooperation, openness and sharing, and it needs STI cooperation to explore solutions to global issues, address the challenges of the times together, and to jointly promote peaceful development. To promote open, fair, equitable and non-discriminatory international science and technology cooperation, develop science for the benefit of all regardless of borders, and jointly build a global science and technology community, China puts forward the following International Science and Technology Cooperation Initiative: -- Staying committed to the pursuit of science. We should approach science and pursue truth in the most appropriate way as it should be. We should uphold scientific integrity, respect research ethics, foster a vision of tech for good, and improve global science and technology governance. We should strengthen protection of intellectual property rights, and develop and govern emerging technologies in a more inclusive and prudent manner. -- Pursuing innovation-driven development. We should enhance global STI collaboration, build a global innovation network, promote the adoption and diffusion of emerging technologies, and bolster technological innovation cooperation among enterprises to inject new impetus into world economic recovery and growth. Countries should work together to promote connectivity in the digital age, accelerate global transition toward green and low-carbon development, and achieve sustainable development for all. -- Adhering to open cooperation. We should be committed to open science regardless of borders and with no barriers imposed, ensure the free flow of STI personnel and resources around the world, increase personnel exchanges and cooperation, and foster an open and free international ecosystem for science and technology cooperation. We will resolutely oppose restrictions or obstacles to science and technology cooperation which undermine the common interests of the international community. -- Adhering to equality and inclusiveness. We should uphold the principles of mutual respect, fairness, equality and non-discrimination, and encourage all countries and research entities to participate in international science and technology cooperation on an equal footing. We firmly oppose politicizing, instrumentalizing or weaponizing science and technology cooperation, and oppose hegemonic and bullying acts through science and technology under the pretext of national security. -- Upholding solidarity and coordination. In the face of urgent global challenges such fields as climate change, health, environmental protection, energy security and food security, countries should work together to boost collaboration and mutual learning among STI entities, advance the implementation of major international science programs and projects, and achieve breakthroughs in major scientific an technological challenges concerning the future of mankind. -- Pursuing win-win outcomes for all. We should uphold genuine multilateralism, explore a new model of win-win global cooperation on STI, and ensure that the STI achievements are shared by all. China will set up a global scientific research fund and increase scientific and technological assistance to other developing countries, so that scientific and technological progress will benefit mankind as a whole. 来源:中华人民共和国科学技术部 | ||